ros. Espectrometro de emision opmaquina universal ensayo compuline FMCtica, Analizador de carbono |hidrogeno | azufre. Gap & flush, sistemas de medicion, di

Z-902 Carbon Analizer 


The Z-902+ features a completely new ergonomic design, a 0.5 lb weight reduction down to approximately 3.5 lb. (1.6 kg), improved heat dissipation and completely updated processing software and electronics.


The Z-902+ can use built-in argon purge for high-precision analysis or QuickSort for rapid material sorting or grade identification with air combustion. Depending on the element, the LIBS signal is 2 to 10 times higher when operating with argon purge versus air burning.


The analyzer uses two spectrometers to extend the wavelength range from 190 to 620 nm. The instrument is factory calibrated for a set of 15 to 20 elements, depending on the application. Or, operators can use the accompanying Profile Builder software package to customize specific elements, their own calibration standards and spectral processing. The Z-902+ can be configured to measure emissions from any element. Common factory calibrated Z-902+ applications include alloy and aluminum.